2021 is an unusual year. Unlike 2019 and 2020 when the world was shockingly hit by the unprecedented pandemic, people and organizations began to normalize life and business when entering 2021 amid chaos and changes. This year at Tricor we continue to demonstrate resilience and innovation, being by the side of our clients at all times to excel in the new normal. We are grateful to have our clients’ and partners’ support and loyalty throughout the year, and it gives us great joy and confidence to march on to 2022 with health and success.
Tricor continued making significant progress into building a platform to serve clients from their startup to IPO and beyond journey. We are the benchmark of professional services in Hong Kong and is the number 1 service provider in town to support the complete IPO journeys and beyond with more than 60% of Hong Kong-listed companies have their trust in us. Our proprietary, award-winning hybrid meeting solution SPOT is popular among listed issuers for the holding of general meetings with over 350 of such meetings being held in 2021. Whilst the original SPOT is already popular, we do not slow down on innovation. New features such as e-voting and ProxyConnect were added to facilitate shareholders’ participation and investor relations. We also have a new Issuer Portal to provide real-time shareholding information, ownership data of peers and across industries, analyst reports and many more to our listed clients. And we saw the upcoming trend for paperless IPO and we support not only white form IPO e-applications with the Tricor IPO APP, but also Preferential Offer e-applications with a designated website, which is first of its kind in Hong Kong.
In addition to issuer services, we have also expanded trust and tax services for both corporate and individual clients, helping them to safeguard their wealth and assets.
Our immense commitment to excellence is not just witnessed in our solutions and services, but also in the recognitions we received in 2021:
We are proud but not prideful. As we look towards the future, we will continue to strive for better performance for both our clients and ourselves. Together, we go far. We will all come through the incredibly challenging times and make our way into a stronger and better 2022 and beyond.
For now, we send our best wishes to all clients, partners and friends for the good health and fortune in the year ahead.
Joe Wan
CEO of Tricor Hong Kong