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New Opportunities for Foreign Asset Managers in Japan

Guide & Consultation

New Opportunities for Foreign Asset Managers in Japan 

Tricor Group is proud to present a webinar featuring Japan’s financial services regulator to explain how new laws introduced in April offer exciting opportunities to foreign asset managers and investment professionals looking to access the nation’s US$18 trillion of household assets, of which 54.2% is held in cash and bank savings.

  1. New Laws, New Opportunities An introduction to the new laws and license exemptions, and the opportunities they will open
  2. Tax Incentives & Immigration Reforms An introduction to the tax incentives available to foreign asset managers and immigration reforms to attract foreign investment professionals
  3. Japan Wants You Why the government is introducing measures to attract highly-skilled asset managers
  4. Q&A Session 

Schedule a complimentary one-on-one consultation with Tricor’s expert team and download a complimentary ‘Japan Made Easy’ guide. Find out how new incentives and streamlined entry processes benefit foreign asset managers and investment professionals. 

‘Japan Made Easy’ Guide

Our ‘Japan Made Easy’ guide is essential for any foreign company or individual looking to invest in or expand into Japan. It provides best practices as well as an introduction to the support and  services Tricor can provide your business, whether you are entering or established in the Japanese market.


'Japan Made Easy' Guide & Consultation

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