We, Tricor Group, wish to bring to the immediate attention of our clients and the general public that we have recently become aware of a counterfeit website at “[www.]tricorglobal.trade”, which is using the contents and images of our official Tricor Global Website, with the possible intention to undertake fraudulent activities or cybercrime.
We wish to alert, in particular, those of our clients and the general public who are users of our Tricor Investor Services Centre in Hong Kong SAR, NOT to log in to this fake website or to provide any personal and confidential information. Any activities that may take place at the fake website have nothing to do with Tricor Group.
Our official website addresses for Tricor Group and Tricor Investor Services Centre in Hong Kong SAR are as follows:
1. Tricor Global Website [www.tricorglobal.com]
2. Tricor Investor Services Centre [www.tricoris.com]
To protect your interests, we ask all our clients and the general public to carefully check the website address and service telephone number when contacting Tricor, and beware of being deceived or misled by fraudsters.
We will take whatever action we consider appropriate to report and investigate such fake websites, their deceptive practices and their operators. We reserve all our rights to prosecute, take legal action and pursue any other legal rights against anyone who attempts or has attempted to counterfeit our company website.
For enquiries, please contact us at info@hk.tricorglobal.com.
Tricor Group
28th March 2017
Unit 1501-1502
15/F Manulife Place
348 Kwun Tong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
(852) 2980 1888
(852) 2861 0285