Asia's Leading Business Expansion Specialist

Tricor ESG Series - Chapter 1
卓佳上市公司ESG系列 - 第一讲

Best practices for a high-quality ESG report
报告季将至, 如何打造高质量的ESG报告?

Date 日期: 22/11/2023
Time 时间: 15:00 - 16:00 (HKT)


[Tricor ESG Series - Chapter 1: Making Progress] Best practices for a high-quality ESG report

Date: November 22, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 (HKT)
Language: Mandarin
Venue: Zoom

It is the right time for companies to start preparing for the 2023 ESG report and related disclosures. Together with our client CIMC, Tricor will assist you in understanding the ESG report disclosure requirements of the HKEX and the key indicators of international mainstream ESG rating agencies. Through client cases and best practices, we will discuss how to prepare a high-quality ESG report and provide tips for submitting ESG reports and disclosures for the fiscal year 2023.

Topic highlights

  • Best practices for preparing robust and impactful ESG reports.
  • Enhancing corporate governance practices, transparency, and long-term sustainable value creation for listed companies through ESG reporting.

[卓佳上市公司ESG课程(上):进步篇] 报告季将至,如何打造高质量的ESG报告? 

日期: 2023年11月22日(周三)
时间: 下午 3 - 4 点(北京时间)
语言: 普通话
地点: 线上Zoom



  • 打造有影响力的ESG报告的基础与最佳实践。
  • 通过ESG报告提升上市公司的企业治理实践、透明度和长期可持续价值创造。


Online registration will be closed on November 20, 2023 at 12:00 (HKT). Please ensure that you register using your business email address as personal email domains (e.g. hotmail, yahoo, gmail, qq) are not accepted. Each business email address can only be registered once.

Once your registration has been verified, you will receive a confirmation email and your personal Zoom link.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for claiming 1 CPD hour from their respective professional bodies/institutes. Accreditation of CPD hours is subject to the final decision of the respective associations.

线上研讨会报名提醒和 CPD 学时有关资讯

报名截止日期为 2023 年 11 月 20 日中文12点正。请确保您使用的是公司邮箱进行活动登记,个人邮箱 (e.g. hotmail, yahoo, gmail, qq) 将不会被接受。每个公司邮箱只能用于一次注册

一旦您的登记得到验证,您将会收到一封确认电子邮件和属于您的个人 Zoom 链接。

出席培训人士将取得1 CPD 学时, 并将于会后统一发送电子版证书至邮箱。CPD 学时的认证取决于各个协会的最终决定。

[Tricor ESG Series - Chapter 2: Making Revolution] Empowering business success through ESG

Date: December 7, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 (HKT)
Language: Mandarin
Venue: Zoom

Registration will be opened at the end of November, stay tuned!

[卓佳上市公司ESG课程(下):进化篇] ESG如何赋能企业发展?

日期: 2023年12月7日(周四)
时间: 下午 3 - 4 点(北京时间)
语言: 普通话
地点: 线上Zoom



Speakers 演讲嘉宾

Joyce Lau 刘家仪

Executive Director of Business Services

Tricor Hong Kong



Joyce Lau 刘家仪

Executive Director of Business Services

Tricor Hong Kong



With around 20 years of experience in the business advisory field, Joyce specializes in corporate accounting, regulatory reporting, financial reporting and corporate restructuring. She has been providing professional services to listed companies and regulated entities in Hong Kong.

Joyce is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (HKCGI) (formerly “The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries”), The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly “The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators”) in the United Kingdom and EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst.



Bowie Lee 李柱文

Head of Sustainable Development

CIMC Group

Expert of the ESG Special Committee of the China Association for Public Companies




Bowie Lee 李柱文

Head of Sustainable Development

CIMC Group

Expert of the ESG Special Committee of the China Association for Public Companies





Mr. Lee is currently the head of sustainable development of CIMC Group, one of the founders of CIMC's ESG management system, and has in-depth research and rich practical experience in ESG strategy and management implementation, information disclosure of listed companies, and green and low-carbon development. He has rich management experience in large multinational companies, and has worked in industry benchmark enterprises such as Emerson, Johnson Electric Group, and Xinyi Technology Logistics. Participated in the publication of many monographs and the formulation of a number of group standards. He has provided lectures and guidance for regulators, industry associations, universities and listed companies for many times, and is a well-known ESG practice expert in the industry. As an industry expert, he has held a number of social positions, including an expert of the ESG Special Committee of the China Association of Public Companies, a director of the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Special Committee of the China Enterprise Management Research Association, the head of the Shenzhen Mayor Quality Award Evaluation Team, a member of the Industry Advisory Committee of the Bay Area Business School of Beijing Normal University, and a distinguished tutor of the Hong Kong Asia Business School.

For questions or enquiries, please contact

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